Wednesday, November 10, 2010

keeps on coming....

Shop vac: $40

XBOX 360 with one controller: BO

(Sorry the picture is flipped around, but you get the idea)

Large sectional couch, needs some work, it would really good reupholstered, we bought it for $1200, but are asking $100

Computer chair: $15
Graco stroller: $30

Bose speakers: BO


Heavy duty tool storgage, We have about five of them, asking $50 each.

Two dollies: $15 each

Car seat: $10

Pictures and prices

Ok here is what I have so far, and there is probably more to come. The price I list is negotiable, so if you see something you like and don't like the price, tell me what you would like to pay for it.

This is an older dresser. It has a few scuffs on it, but it would look really niced if you wanted to refinish it, and add new hardware. Asking $75

We have several tables and folding chairs, they can bought individually, or together.
Chairs (set of 5 or six I believe): $25
Table: $ 15
Together, $35
We have three ladders, I'm not sure how long they are, but the two long ones are $30 each, and the shorter one is $20

Friday, August 27, 2010

Kirt the photographer

There are rare occasions that I will allow Kirt to play with the camera under supervision, and there are several occasions where he will just take the camera when I'm not looking and go willy nilly. Well I just uploaded my cameras memory card and was going through them. There were alot of pictures that were just blobs and blurrs and you could tell that they had been taken form a child and then I came across a couple of pictures that turned out rather well and I had no recollection of taking them.
After looking at the last picture, I knew Kirt had to be the culprit. That is the inside of Niko's dog house! HA HA. Oh the joys of being a kid.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Family reunion

Our family reunion was a couple of weeks ago, but I'm just now getting to posting about it. June is always a busy month for us. IE Jon's Birthday, Fathers Day, our anniversary, Karie's Birthday, and then planning for Kirts upcoming birthday. Anyways, to add to the already crazy month we had our family reunion at the beginning of the month. We went to Paragunah Utah. Way out in the middle of no where. It was a nice trip though. We got away from the heat and the kids had a blast just running the muck. We spent the day mostly just visiting with family, and then we had an auction. The jean quilt I made sold for $60 and the baby jungle quilt sold for $25. We left Saturday evening. I love vacation, but I love being in my own bed even more. On our way out Jon and I started talking about the long drive home and we were literally three min. underway, Jon and I looked at eachothers and heard the great sound of silence. The kids were out! NICE! Not so nice them waking up periodically to scream. ick!

Good Trip!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yeah I know Easter has come and gone, but I just wanted to post these fun pictures! The kids had such a blast on Easter weekend. We spent Saturday with my dad and Sunday with the Sessions. Kirt and Hailey got hunting eggs down pat!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Picture day!

So I'm trying to get some pictures gathered for this family reunion project I have to do for this summer. I wanted to get some more recent ones of all three, because I hardly have any pictures of all three of the kids. Fat chance... I went over to Karies to get some help, and the kids weren't haven it! They were all over and just having a good ole time. I did manage to get some cute pictures, however I will have to try again later because I need a couple of more for some projects I'm doing. Jarens pictures turned out best because he couldn't move!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Gardening

Today we spent the day working some more on our garden. Jon built a fence to keep the kids and dog out, while I planted roses and other flowers in the front yard. It was nice to do some out door work and feel good about it. Kirt helped me picked up all the weeds and dig the holes for the roses. The pictures don't do the flowers justice, they really are exquisit!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Couple of things

Last night baby Olivia Miller was born! She was 7lbs 12oz, and 20in and quarter long. It was an eventful night! Karie went into the hospital around 5:30 yesterday. They checked her out and monitored her and then moved her to a delivery room. Karie dealt with the pain like a trooper, she was given pitocin and had her waters ruptured without any pain medicine! I was impressed and also I was concerend at the same time. It is hard to watch a family member in pain, but she did amazing. She then had an epidural around 7:30, and within a half an hour she was dialated to ten! I was not expecting that. I was in labor with Kirt for 22 hours, and spent an hour pushing him out. Well I thought ok baby will be born any time now. Well yeah at 11:22 she was. Karie pushed for two hours! Olivia was not coming down the birth canal. Karie was exhausted and she was set on having a vaginal delivery with no episotomy. Well when it looked liked they were going to use other means to deliver her, Karie was able to push her out, she was huge! Her hand was up by her face while she was being pushed down; that and her size contributed to a long enduring time for Karie, but she did and tears of joy filled the room as baby Olivia was born. She had so much dark hair and she is just so beautiful not a mark on her. I'm so blessed to have shared that expiernce with Karie, Thank you and I love you!

Today we spent the day with Nanna Icide and we all went swimming. The kids had so much fun! Kirt loves the water and was jumping in even though it was pretty cold!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


The rain was great, but it created a weed fest for sure in our back yard. I think we had just about every type of weed you could imagine in our backyard. So I had to call in a favor from the expert. My dad. Thank goodness he was willing to help because I wasn't quite sure where to begin. So he brought his tools over and we got down to business. Now I know it looks like all I did was take pictures, but I actually did a lot of weeding and putting it all in the trash. I also planted some flowers. :) I left the whole spading the ground and putting the seeds in, to the expert. Kirt and Hailey had a blast and so did the dog! Now I'm just going to have to put up a barrier or something to keep them out.

Niko is digging a hole to China!

Now there is still a ton of work to be done, but slowly and surely our back yard will have peace, order, and beauty

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patricks day

So I was feeling crafty and decided to make Hailey a dress. I bought the fabric like two days ago and had an idea in my head, well lets just say, I won't sew until midnight anymore it's too hard to concecentrate on perfection. However when you smock or ruffle fabric it hides the flaws. :) I love the bright green it is so cute on her!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

new makeup artist

Hailey watches me put makeup on each morning. Well she decided she wanted to try. She looked like a pro. It made me laugh at how serious she was.