Yesterday Hailey and Kirt decided to get their hyper on. They started spinning around until they ran into the wall or fell down. They laughed and ran around for about thirty min. It was very entertaining. Jon and I just watched them and laughed. Hailey put on her sunglasses she got for her birthday and she looked so funny. If you look closely at Kirt you'll find a big goose egg on his Head. On Friday we had my dad and Janet over to visit for a bit. Well Jaren had his circumcision that day so I had to cut and run. Kirt and Hailey decided they wanted to play in the back of my dads truck for a bit before they took off. Well I was almost to the doctor when I get a call from Jon that Kirt had opened the tailgate and fell out of the back of the truck! So now I'm freaking out, and felt like turning around to get home. I had Jon explain every little detail of what happened to be sure I wasn't going to have to rush back to get him to the ER. Then I called my dad to double check. They reassured me that he would be fine. So I left it at that and went to the appointment.
I was able to stay and watch the procedure. I remember them just taking Kirt back and wasn't allowed to be back there with him. Which was probably a good thing, being a first time mom and all, I probably would have cried the whole time. The surgery was quick and pretty simple. I know if Jon was there watching he would of passed out before any cutting started. He gets sick from just the smell of the betadine.
Anyways of course Jaren had a hard time with it, but overall did well they kept a passie in his mouth.

wow, i can't believe how much older kirt looks having curly hair! Glad to see you guys had so much fun over thanksgiving and that you guys are doing well. Did Karie find out the gender of her baby yet? Will have to try to find some time to make it out there over my break :)
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